Call out

Submissions for issue two are open from December 17, 2024 until January 25, 2025. 

We believe diverse and intersectional voices make for a better publication and warmly invite submissions in English from writers across Australia and the world. 

Splinter does not publish themed editions. We are always looking for writing that picks apart the ways reality has been shattered, illuminates the shining threads of it that remain unbroken, and hints at the ways we’ll start putting it all back together. 

Our long-term goal is to mill around in the endless circles of these questions:

  • How did we get here, into the middle of this chaos?
  • Where are we? What does this place and time mean?
  • And where do we go from here?

You don’t need to address these questions directly in your writing, but please think about how your idea brushes up against these prompts. 

We warmly invite writers to submit any work that intersects with these prompts, but for issue two we are also particularly encouraging submissions on some specific topics and in some express formats. Click through for more details. 

We pay writers

These are the formats we are looking for and their associated pay rates: 

  • Profiles - $900
  • Essays - $900
  • Memoir - $600
  • Criticism - $700
  • Fiction - $900
  • Poetry - $250/poem
  • Poetry collection - $450/collection
  • Writing about writing - $500

For profiles, essays, writing about writing, and criticism, we are looking for pitches of ideas (rather than completed works). 

For memoir, poetry, and fiction we are looking for submission of completed works.


We only accept one submission in total per writer, with the exception of poetry. We will accept three stand-alone poems per writer, or one collection comprising up to four poems. 

Submissions will only be accepted via the Writers SA Submittable page. Before submitting, please read the full submission guidelines found there, which include additional information about what we’re looking for, terms for commissioning, and detail on the formats.